When Carl Maria von Weber conducted Mozart’s Don Giovanni in Dresden in the 1820s, one of the people sitting in the auditorium was the Italian singer Luigi Bassi who had created the title role back in 1787. And he was not pleased with what he saw. ‘Bassi generally passed the judgement on all Don Giovannis whom he and I saw performing’, his friend Count Hohenthal recalled a few years afte…
International politics has become ever more volatile in the last decade,increasing the risk of large-scale military violence. Yet the precise charac-ter of future wars will depend on a range of factors that relate to adversaries,allies, technology, geographical scope, and multiple domains of warfighting.Few would question that land forces will also be important in the foreseeablefuture. Recent …
The ascomycete fungus Clonostachys rosea was reported as an aggressive mycoparasite in the late 1950s (Barnett and Lilly, 1962), and initial attempts to use it for biological control of plant diseases soon followed (Shigo, 1958). Since then, there has been a wealth of new knowledge emerging concerning the ecology, physiology and genetics of C. rosea, as well as concerning …
All over the world there are women and men who work and produce for the market within the space of their own homes, or together with neighbours in collective local spaces. They stitch shoes, sew and embellish garments, weave carpets, make baskets, prepare and sell food, assemble electronics and perform computer-based tasks amongst other forms of labour. They pro…
Work is central to people’s lives and the course of their life. The opportunities and chances an individual can have in their life are significantly connected to work. Individuals' work is also crucial for organisations, companies and for the whole of society. There is a constant need to make changes and readjustments of working life since these can deeply affect the individual and their empl…
This is an open access book. Europe faces significant challenges in the coming decades: geopolitical, demographic, technological, increased competition, climate-related, and health issues due to an aging population, to mention a few. Given these challenges, technological progress and new ways of handling complex issues will be key to continued prosperity and growth. To accomplish a growth proce…
Cover songs are a familiar feature of contemporary popular music. Musi-cians describe their own performances ascovers, and audiences use the cat-egory to organize their listening and appreciation. However, philosophershave not had much to say about them.A common philosophical approach is to consider historical positions—for example, asking what Plato or Kant said on a topic. That makes no h…
The idea for this collection was born out of a chance encounter over coffee in a U.S. Starbucks. Over a wide-ranging conversation, we discussed the state of working-class literature as a field, the de-cline of Marxism in academia, our favorite working-class authors, and the lack of good coffe shops on U.S. campuses. We both gen-erally laid out the various trajectories of scholarly rec…
If you are involved in aviation, you will deal with administrative agency regulations far more frequently than any other area of the law. Indeed, you will probably be confronted with making decisions based on the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) on a daily basis. Those regulations also establish standards of legal behavior by which a judge or jury may later decide whether you and your employ…