Ada banyak cara untuk melukiskan seorang wanita: seorang anak, ibu, nenek, istri, pacar, wanita karier, sahabat, murid, guru, bos. Tetapi, persamaan yang tak bisa dilepaskan dari para wanita ini adalah: mereka memiliki hati untuk merasakan kelembutan cinta, menempa persahabatan seumur hidup, mengejar karier yang dipilih, membentuk kehidupan baru, bertanggung jawab tanpa kenal lelah atas pekerja…
Sebagian besar para peminum kopi sejati memulai hari dengan cangkir kopi panas-ritual yang dilakukan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Daya tarik kopi yang mengepul dan menghirup aroma kuatnya membangkitkan semangat kita untuk menghadapi segala suasana hati dan tantangan hidup. Dan, puncak kenikmatannya adalah ketika mencecap rasanya. Dengan antisipasi terjaga, pencinta kopi mengenali kekenta…
Professional practice is a defining trait of modernity, and democratic and constitutional nation-states depend on professional practitioners and their efforts to solve problems and coordinate activity in order to distribute state services as accurately as possible, thus dealing with the particular problem at hand of implementing human rights. Throughout modern history, legis-lators in different…
It is a basic premise of the Wind and Beyond series that nothing about the historical development of aircraft has ever been linear. On the way to aeronautical “progress”—however one chooses to define the term—there has always been, and always will be, countless twists and turns. And in the end, the entire story could have turned out differently—and still may. It is hoped that not only…
The first two volumes in the Wind and Beyond series and the succeeding four now in preparation all cover the impact of aerodynamic development on the evolution of the airplane in America. As the six-volume series will ultimately demonstrate, just as the airplane is a defining technology of the twentieth century, aerodynamics has been the defining element of the airplane.The forthcoming volumes …
The airplane ranks as one of history’s most ingenious and phenomenal inventions. It has surely been one of the most world-changing. How ideas about aerodynamics first came together and how the science and technology evolved to forge the airplane into the revolutionary machine that it became is the epic story told in this multivolume work, The Wind and Beyond: A Documentary Journey into the Hi…
German: An Essential Grammar is a practical reference guide to the core structures and features of modern German. Presenting a fresh and accessible description of the language, this engaging grammar uses clear, jargon-free explanations and sets out the complexities of German in short, readable sections. Suitable for either independent study or for students in schools, colleges, universities …
This book examines how literary fiction depicts multilingual practices and incorporates them on the level of the text. Multiple languages surround us today, rendered more visible in the digital and globalized age. In literature, too, languages intermingle, often to striking effect. The early twenty-first century has seen a new fascination with the age-old phenomena of literary multilingualism a…
What sets this volume apart from other mathematics texts is its emphasis on mathematical tools commonly used by scientists and engineers to solve real-world problems. Using a unique approach, it covers intermediate and advanced material in a manner appropriate for undergraduate students. Based on author Bruce Kusse's course at the Department of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell Univers…
The protection of whales has moved well beyond ending commercial whaling. Current whale conservation issues are complex and directly related to human activities that impact ocean habitats on which the whales depend. The aim of this curriculum is to focus on research efforts to expand human knowledge about marine mammals. We can’t save whales unless we understand what whales need to live—the…