Sebagian besar para peminum kopi sejati memulai hari dengan cangkir kopi panas-ritual yang dilakukan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Daya tarik kopi yang mengepul dan menghirup aroma kuatnya membangkitkan semangat kita untuk menghadapi segala suasana hati dan tantangan hidup. Dan, puncak kenikmatannya adalah ketika mencecap rasanya. Dengan antisipasi terjaga, pencinta kopi mengenali kekenta…
Our audience includes preservice and in-service teachers, teacher-educators, and librarians, but we encourage anyone who champions children’s literature to enjoy this resource! We hope that families find titles here to fuel shared read-ing experiences, and we anticipate that researchers will draw many of our sug-gested titles into school-based studies. We want readers to be aware of what a ri…
Round dances are a group of dances that rose to fame with the Waltzaround 1800 and stayed in fashion until the end of the nineteenth century. Although they had lost their fashionable status by the twentieth century, some of these dances remained popular in many countries alongside the new African-American1 dances such as the Tango and Foxtrotthroughout the twent…
In the last four decades, Indonesia’s economy has grown by leaps and bounds. The most notable change in Indonesia’s economy has been the expansion of sectors such as manufacturing, banking and tourism sectors, which has led the World Bank to classify the country as a Newly Industrializing Economy (NIE) (Lee, Simon, 2001). In fact, the surge in the manufacturing sector provided for the major…
Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat to humanity today and plays out as a cruel engine of myriad forms of injustice, violence and destruction. The effects of climate change from human-made emissions of greenhouse gases are devastating and accelerating; yet are uncertain and uneven both in terms of geography and socio-economic impacts. Emerging from the dynamics of capitalism since the …