According to the World Health Organization ( (updated, October 2017)), mosquitoes are responsible for roughly 750,000 deaths worldwide each year (60% from malaria). Four hundred years BC, Hippocrates described the symptoms of malaria, and the anti-malarial properties of quinine have been known to the Western world since the late 16th …
Throughout the history of the Crusades, liturgical prayer, masses, and alms were all marshaled in the fight against Muslim armies. In Invisible Weapons, M. Cecilia Gaposchkin focuses on the ways in which Latin Christians communicated their ideas and aspirations for crusade to God through liturgy, how public worship was deployed, and how prayers and masses absorbed the ideals and priorities of c…
The salt monopoly in premodern China is a near-perfect vehiclefor understanding the Chinese political economy generally. Themonopoly possessed the same type of organization, personnel, methods,and character as any other Chinese bureaucracy of the time, the onlydifference was one of function: it was charged with monitoringproduction, supervisin…
In the fashion field, the reputation-related crises are the most common, where some-times economic-related crises can also be involved. As Sábada et al. [7: 10] assure: “Infashion, reputation is a business, an asset as long as it is good. This means that brandsthat have favorable reputation have more loyal customers that are more dedicated andthat buy a broader range of products”. In gener…