Saburo Hasegawa’s suddenly high-profile work and ideas resonated in a mid-twen-tieth-century American art world that had been largely leveled and restructured by the turmoil of World War II and its geopolitical aftermath. Modernist players and an existential ethos from Europe as well as philosophies from Asia eventually supplanted American scene regionalist artists and figurative and …
This equation suggests that if relationships 1 and 2 are opposedin type, then relationships 3 and 4 will be similarly opposed.A similarity in type between 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, though allowedby the formula, is taken to be a very rare occurrence. IndeedL6vi -Strauss suggests that this latter type of structure couldwell be expected to break down or at lea…
The qualities of Vipassana are exemplified by Mr. Goenka, himself. He is a pragmatic person, in touch with the ordinary realities of life and able to deal with them incisively, but in every situation he maintains an extraordinary calmness of mind. Along with that calmness is a deep compassion for others, an ability to empathize with virtually any human being. There is however, nothing solemn ab…
The Subject Matter of Geometry. In geometry, although we shall continue the use of arithmetic and algebra, our main work will be a study of what will later be defined (" 13) as geometric figures. The student is already familiar with the physical objects about him, such as a ball or a block of wood. By a careful study of the following exercise, he may be led to see the relation of such physical …
According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), there was a steady increase of fish catches until the middle of the 1990s when the catch began to level off (Fig. 1.1). Recent work by Watson and Pauly (2001) has shown that in reality the total marine catch of fish has been declining by some 10% a year since 1988. The apparent continued increase until the mid1990s was du…
Written by three eminent scholars in the field of the politics and policy of crisis management, it offers a unique ‘bird’s eye’ view of the immense logistical and political challenges of addressing a worst-case scenario that would prove the ultimate stress test for societies, governments, governing institutions and political leaders. It examines how governments and governing systems have …
Judul asli : The 100 : a ranking of the most influential persons in history