The project aims to exchange interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of economics and geomatics. For the newly introduced courses, interdisciplinary learning materials have been developed by a team of lecturers from four different universities in three countries. In a first study block, students were taught methods from the two main research fields. Afterwards, the knowledge gained had to be …
2019 titelte dAs journALScientific American: The Mycelium Revolution Is upon Us« (Eine Pilz-Revolu-tion steht uns bevor).1 Was war damit gemeint? 100Jahre nach der Geburt der Pilzbiotechnologie – die amerikanische Firma Pfizer begann 1919 zum ersten Mal mithilfe des Pilzes Aspergillus nigerZitronensäure zu produzieren, ein Produkt, welches heute über einen Mil-l…