These are disturbing times. Scholars in medieval and premod-ern studies are tired of explaining why, yet this labor continues to be performed by those who often have the least personal and professional security.1 A case in point here is Mary Rambaran-Olm, who consistently advocated, and with considerable risk for her own scholarly career and personal well-being, for the re-tire…
Planet Earth is an ocean planet. We can hardly ignore the fact that the ocean covers almost two thirds of our planet. Since the dawn of time, humankind has had an ambivalent relationship with the immensity and hostility of this very specific environment. However, the ocean holds a strong attraction for human societies, with nearly 40% of the world’s population living less than 100 km from the…
As detailed in Global Prison Trends, despite widely documented challenges in creating fair and effective criminal justice systems, there have been some positive steps taken towards the practical implementation of international human rights standards related to criminal justice, such as the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) and the United Nation…
It may be readily understood that when once Europeans set foot upon this territory they were not slow to take advantage of its capabilities. Sheep and cattle were introduced, and bred with extreme rapidity; men took up their 50,000 or 100,000 acres of country, going inland one behind the other, till in a few years there was not an acre between the sea and the front ranges which was not taken up…
This translation is intended to supplement a work entitled ‘The Authoress of the Odyssey’, which I published in 1897. I could not give the whole ‘Odyssey’ in that book without making it unwieldy, I therefore epitomised my translation, which was already completed and which I now publish in full.
Buku ini berisi tentang doa-doa yang dianggap memiliki kekuatan bagi umat yang membacanya. Doa-doa yang ada di dalamnya merupakan doa-doa yang digunakan ketika mengalami masa-masa buruk di kehidupan. Merupakan kumpula doa yang dapat memberikan kekuatan bagi Anda dalam menghadapi pengalaman buruk dalam hidup ini. Ingat bahwa kita mendapat kekuatab dari Tuhan sendiri. Maka buku ini berbicara dar…
"Tuhan, sampai berapa kali aku harus mengampuni saudaraku jika ia berbuat dosa terhadap aku? Sampai tujuk kali?" Yesus berkata kepadanya: "Bukan! Aku berkata kepadamu: Bukn sampai tujuh kali, melainkan sampai tujuh puluh kali tujuh kali." (Mat 18:22) Dlam Kitab Suci, angka 70 memiliki makn dan simbol yang cukup mendalam. Kutipan di atas merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa Yesus mengajarkan kepada…
The connection betwwn blood type and diet is a new idea for most people, but they often find that it answers some of their most perplexing questions. We have long relized that there was a missing link in our comprehension of the porocess that leads either to the path of wellness or the path of disease. There had to be a reason why there were so many paradoxes in dietary studies and disease susr…