Postmodernism has become the buzzword of contemporary society over the last decade. But how can it be defined? In this highly readable introduction the mysteries of this most elusive of concepts are unraveled, casting a critical light upon the way we live now, from the politicizing of museum culture to the cult of the politically correct. The key postmodernist ideas are explored and challenged,…
group of men crowds around the news anchor’s desk looking ready for a fight. They wear full combat gear— camouflage, helmets, bulletproof vests. All of them are young and big, seemingly chosen for this task on the basis of size rather than se niority. Their drab uniforms contrast with the cheerful lighting of the tv station, which is better suited to weather reports…
Internet voting has been an active topic of public discussions for many years. Itsproponents highlight the advantages of voting online, such as increased conve-nience and accessibility for voters who might have difficulty reaching a physicalpolling station.However, critics of Internet voting raise concerns about its security risks,including the potential manipulation of election results and vio…
Postmodernism has become the buzzword of contemporary society over the last decade. But how can it be defined? In this highly readable introduction the mysteries of this most elusive of concepts are unraveled, casting a critical light upon the way we live now, from the politicizing of museum culture to the cult of the politically correct. The key postmodernist ideas are explored and challenged,…
Until recently the least-known nation in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is finally getting the attention it deserves.
Energy poverty refers to issues that span access to energy, energy depri-vation, and its under-use within daily life. Broadly, the central concern ofresearch and policy in this space is with the negative outcomes that a lackof energy use has for wellbeing. Within the UK and many other globalcontexts, the focus has often been on those that cannot afford to heattheir homes, with solutions posed a…
Plastic and reconstructive surgery is a branch of surgery that specialises in restoring form and function to damaged or missing tissues and skin. The causes of such defects are usually related to surgery, injury, illness or congenital abnormality. This rapidly evolving specialty is based upon the exploitation of key principles of anatomy, physiology, pathology and surgery. Mastery of these prin…
Being the end result, performance is one of the most used variables in sport psychology research. Several examples include the relationship between performance and anxiety(e.g., Craft et al., 2003), motivation (e.g., Gershgoren et al., 2011), self-efficacy (e.g., Moritz et al., 2000), and emotions (e.g., Lazarus, 2000). In team sports, the relationship between team performance and cohesion as w…
We immediately started towards the corral; but, before reaching it, I saw the herd coming over the plain towards us, their heads high in air, as though sniffing the morning breeze, their necks proudly arched, and long manes and tails gracefully flowing to the wind, as they pranced and gambolled along the high swell of land that marked the gentle descent to the valley where we stood. As so…
The party system is an essential instrument of Democracy. Wherever government rests upon the popular will, there the party is the organ of expression and the agency of the ultimate power. The party is, moreover, a forerunner of Democracy, for parties have everywhere preceded free government. Long before Democracy as now understood was anywhere established, long before the American colonie…