Equality in the city is an aspiration. Cities have never been equal, equitable or fair. Now, optimum efficiency is celebrated as progress, and reconfigurations of urban spaces are focused on the clean lines of punctual service delivery. Smart cites are controlled cities, where data is the fuel that pumps through the heart. The common denominator in smart city rhetoric is the assumption that org…
The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to: stay engaged throughout your fifty-plus-year work life; tap into your deepest values; solicit candid feedback; replenish physical and mental energy; balance work, home, community, and self; spread positive energy throughout your organization; rebound …
After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a hostage negotiator brought him face-to-face with a range of criminals, including bank robbers and terrorists. Reaching the pinnacle of his profession, he became the FBI’s lead international kidnapping negotiator. Never Split the Difference takes you inside the world of high-stak…
Ultimate Visual Dictionary has been designed to give you easy access to the vocabulary you need. It contains more than 33,000 terms that are grouped into 14 sections that cover a wide range of topics, such as The Universe, Prehistoric Earth, Modern World, and Architecture. The accessible and paperback format makes this dictionary an ideal reference tool for new learners of the English langu…
Firstly, the focus in this framework is on planning for and adapting to socio-technical change of drinking water infrastructure. This assumes that any strategic planning of drinking water infrastructure needs to consider both the social and technical aspects in relation to each other, not in isolation. Drinking water infrastructure comprises physical elements like pipes and pumps, but they are …
There is a science to running, and now you can learn about it too! Whether you are new to running, or have conquered a few marathons in your time, this runner's guide will show you how to train efficiently, find a suitable running regime, and master the art of running for life!
The first modern English edition of Richard Wagner's essays on conducting, extensively annotated, with a critical essay on Wagner as conductor: his aesthetic, practices, vocabulary, and impact. Richard Wagner was one of the leading conductors of his time. Through his disciples Hans von Bülow, Hans Richter, Anton Seidl, Felix Mottl, Arthur Nikisch, and their many notable protégés, a Wagnerian…
Di Pecinan Parakan, kita menjumpai warisan budaya yang diam tanpa kehebohan promosi. Warisan budaya itu hidup natural, menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Menjadi living heritage. Banyak keluarga Peranakan Tionghoa yang masih menjalankan tradisi sembahyang di altar leluhur keluarga. Kalaupun sudah tidak lagi, altar sembahyang leluhur tetap mereka rawat. Banyak makam tua masih utuh, bah…
In 1850, an epidemic swept America—but instead of leaving victims sick with fever or flu, this epidemic involved a rabid craze for the music of Swedish soprano Jenny Lind. American showman P. T. Barnum (who would later go on to found the circus now known as Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey), a shrewd marketer and self-made millionaire, is credited with spreading “Lindomania” through a s…
File system analysis examines one volume of a disk respective disk image. The datacontained in the volume is interpreted as a file system. Typically an interpreted filesystem offers a listing of files organized in directories (at least this is true for thefour described file systems in this book). One aim of file system analysis is usuallyrecovering deleted files. In contrast to files that have…