In 2015, in the final year of a six year part-time degree in archaeology at Leicester University, I chose Neolithic Carved Stone Balls (CSBs) as the subject for my final dissertation. In doing so I found it necessary to create both a Master Database and Photographic Database, as despite them being regarded by many as one of …
Critical management studies in South Africa: Directions and contexts’ represents the second formalised work on critical management studies (CMS) in South Africa. Following 5 years after ‘Critical management studies in the South African context’, this book shows how CMS scholarship is starting to develop a character of its own in South Africa. It attests to…
Travel to space and back with astronaut Chris Hadfield's "enthralling" bestseller as your eye-opening guide (Slate). Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, and been temporarily blinded while clingi…
The cultural practices of hip-hop have been among people's favorite forms of popular culture for decades. Due to this popularity, rap, breaking, graffiti, beatboxing and other practices have entered the field of education. At the intersection of hip-hop and music education, scholars, artists, and educators cooperate in this volume to investigate topics such as representations of gangsta rap in …
Robots have the connotation of a futuristic technology. In fact, however, theyhave been around for quite a while: Simple self-operating machines,so-calledautomata, existed already in ancient Greece, and the manufacturing tradi-tion continued on into medieval times (Truitt, 2015). In the fifteenth century,Leonardo da Vinci drew plans for a humanoid robot (Moran, 2006), and inthe eighteenth centu…
Explore Argentina's cathedrals, miles of pristine beaches, and exciting culture. Experience Buenos Aires and the Beagle Channel and hike Aconcagua.
Introducing the new, realistic loyalty pact between employer and employee. The employer-employee relationship is broken, and managers face a seemingly impossible dilemma: the old model of guaranteed long-term employment no longer works in a business environment defined by continuous change, but neither does a system in which every employee acts like a free agent. The solution? Stop thinki…
An argument for simplicity from the best-selling authors of Profit from the Core. Is radical reinvention the key to winning in today’s fast-paced world? Not judging by the results of some of the world’s best-performing companies. In Repeatability, Chris Zook and James Allen - leaders of Bain & Company’s influential Strategy practice - warn that complexity is a silent killer of profitab…
Equality in the city is an aspiration. Cities have never been equal, equitable or fair. Now, optimum efficiency is celebrated as progress, and reconfigurations of urban spaces are focused on the clean lines of punctual service delivery. Smart cites are controlled cities, where data is the fuel that pumps through the heart. The common denominator in smart city rhetoric is the assumption that org…
The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to: stay engaged throughout your fifty-plus-year work life; tap into your deepest values; solicit candid feedback; replenish physical and mental energy; balance work, home, community, and self; spread positive energy throughout your organization; rebound …