Are you minding your writing? Are you deliberately tak-ing the myriad decisions that academic writing asks you to take? Do you know yourself as a writer well enough? Not at all, or not as much as you wish? I thought so. Why else would you pick up this book?Don’t feel ashamed. We all have our writing weak-nesses that we don’t want to look at too closely …
In this book, Christian W. Chun examines the ways in which identities, discourses, and topographies of both capitalist and anti-capitalist imaginaries and realities are embodied in the everyday practices of people. A World without Capitalism? is a sociolinguistic ethnography that explores the heretofore limited research in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics on the discursive and materiali…
Water is not only the beginning of all things, as the old Greeks had alreadyrealized, but without water, no life on earth is possible, and clean water is also aprecondition for any form of sustainable development. There is enough availablefreshwater on earth (about 91,000 km3) to supply every individual on earth (about7.5 billion in 2020) approx. 12,000l, more than enough to live decently. Howe…
The typical definition of the genome is often dualistic, referen-cing both structural features and its function to store and transmitbiological information [4]. For example, the US National Institutesof Health (NIH) uses the following definition: “A genome is anorganism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Eachgenome contains all of the information needed to build and main-tai…
The world’s polar regions are now central to geopolitical and strategic com-petition. Spillover effects from rapid political, social, and environmental change present unprecedented challenges for governance, environmental protection, and maritime operations in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Both geographic areas can be distinguished by specific terms—namely, the “Arctic” and…
Google and Facebook now control about two thirds of global advertising revenue. They dominate the online advertising market in the form of a duopoly and avoid paying adequate taxes. This policy brief introduces a new possibility and policy innovation for taxing online adver-tising. This brief sheds new light on the question how to estabilish models for taxing online ad…
Alexander von Humboldt starts his “Critical Inquiries” in 1852 withthe observation that the miscalculation of one authority has triggeredmany forms of human action in exploring the planet. It is for him theact of travelling that generates knowledge and ultimately drives forwardhuman intellectual progress, even if the travellers themselves might bemisguided. Human triggers and reasons for tr…
File system analysis examines one volume of a disk respective disk image. The datacontained in the volume is interpreted as a file system. Typically an interpreted filesystem offers a listing of files organized in directories (at least this is true for thefour described file systems in this book). One aim of file system analysis is usuallyrecovering deleted files. In contrast to files that have…
Pengajaran hak asasi manusia di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia hingga saat ini masih sangat didominasi oleh pendekatan filosofis dan kultural. Dalam pendekatan yang demikian, pengajaran hak asasi manusia lebih ditekankan pada perbincangan mengenai isu-isu pendasaran konsep hak asasi manusia, asal-usul dan justifikasinya (baik segi legal maupun kultural) yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari konteks po…
History is one of the most important cultural tools to make sense of one’s situation, to establish identity, define otherness, and explain change. As a consequence, the scientific discipline of history is not only practiced, but the study of historiography has advanced to a thriving field of research. In fact, an impressive amount of theoretical literature on historiography has been brought f…