It has been seven years since the so-called refugee crisis in Europe, andwarfarecontinuestoforcepeopletoleavetheirhomelandstosettleelsewhere.AsIamwritingthis,inAprilof2022,RussiantroopsaretearingapartUkraineand the lives of its people, forcing many people to flee their homes. Forcedmigration is not temporary phenomenon, and historical, ethnographic andcity museums will –one wayor another –c…
Immersed in digital 3D stereoscopic vision, we f loat in a low orbit above Earth’s atmospheric threshold, which glows blue against an otherwise black screen. A velvety, thick silence fortif ies the authenticity of this senso-rial encounter made possible by way of seamless integration between cinematographic excellence and high-performance computation. In this visually immense opening sequence…
Eating and talking are universal human traits. Every healthy human being eats and talks; every society or group eats and talks. Both language and food are culturally dependent and vary according to factors such as gender, age, or situational context, or even lifestyle. There are vast differences both in the food-related behavior of different cultures as well as in the lan…
History is one of the most important cultural tools to make sense of one’s situation, to establish identity, define otherness, and explain change. As a consequence, the scientific discipline of history is not only practiced, but the study of historiography has advanced to a thriving field of research. In fact, an impressive amount of theoretical literature on historiography has been brought f…
Citizen science is a rapidly growing field with expanding legitimacy. Often seen as a cluster of activities under a larger umbrella of concepts, including ‘open science’ and ‘open innovation’, citizen science expands public participation in science and supports alternative models of knowledge production. This includes strengthening scientific research by engaging with a variety …