According to current estimates, 23% of the world’s children under 5 years of age are stunted, a condition that is measured using short height-for-age (see Box 1.1) [1]. Although this represents a decline from 33% in 2000, the fact that 156 million chil-dren globally still suffer from chronic undernutrition underscores the continued need for renewed efforts and inno…
Continued, in that and the subsequent four prefaces, in the following way. We could use the techniques, well established, which have provided dictionaries of excellence, such as the Oxford English Dictionary. The painstaking scrutiny of texts from a range of contexts, the recording of new words and senses on slips, and the systematic correlation of these as a preliminary to representing pattern…
Pada 10 desember , tahun 2009 , kristal mcvea , seorang ibu dari empat thirty-two-year-old , berhenti bernapas .Wajahnya berubah menjadi berwarna biru gelap , kemudian hitam .Ibunya menjerit minta tolong , dan seorang perawat berusaha untuk menghidupkan kembali dia . . . Tidak berhasil .Hari ini , kristal tidak ingat apa yang terjadi di kamar rumah sakit yang selama sembilan menit dia tidak sad…