The thirteenth-century Icelandic text The Saga of Þórður kakali survives today as part of the fourteenth-century compilation The Saga of the Sturlungar. In extant form, The Saga of Þórður kakali is a biography of Þórður kakali Sighvatsson (c. 1210–56) — chief-tain, Norwegian royal retainer, and sheriff — and covers the pe-riods 1242–50 and 1254–56.Consequently, the saga is…
Since the invention of the wheel, humankind has been driven to improve the way we travel, always trying to better, faster, and stronger. The How It Works Book of Amazing Vehicles exhibits the finest inventions in the world of transport, documenting iconic vehicles throughout history and providing a sneak peek at what is to come in the future. From the first Ford to the fastest of fighter jets, …
The human body is truly an amazing thing. Capable of awe-inspiring feats of speed and agility, while being mind-blowing in complexity, our bodies are unmatched by any other species on earth. In this new edition of the Book of the Human Body, we explore our amazing anatomy in fine detail before delving into the intricacies of the complex processes, functions and systems that keep us going. For i…
More than three decades ago, Frank White coined the term “Overview Effect” to describe the cognitive shift that results from the experience of viewing the Earth from space and in space, from orbit or on a lunar mission. He found that with great consistency, this experience profoundly affects space travelers’ worldviews—their perceptions of themselves, our planet, and our understanding o…
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library’s role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities projects. It pays special attention to the critical role of librarians in building sustainable programs. It also examines how libraries can support the use of digital scholarship tools and techniques in undergraduate e…
In this candid and revelatory memoir, Erin O. White shares her hunger for both romantic and divine love, and how these desires transformed her life. In the late 1990s, she spent Saturday nights with her girlfriend and Sunday mornings in Catholic confirmation classes. But when the Church closed its doors to her, she was faced with a question: What does a lesbian believer do with her longing for …
With many hundreds of historic sites sprinkled throughout the Yukon, there’s ample opportunity for visitors to delve into its colourful past. The challenge is to entice travellers, many passing quickly on their way to Alaska, to stop and experience as many as possible. Yukon’s culture and heritage come to life through roadside historic sites and unmarked graves, and major attractions and mu…