Benjamin Disraeli mengatakan ada tiga macam kebohongan: bohong, bohong banget, dan statistik. Kendati peringatan ini telah berusia lebih dari seabad, statistik yang mengecoh masih saja kita jumpai hingga sekarang. Buku ini mirip panduan bagaimana menggunakan statistik untuk mengelabui. Karena para penipu telah mahir menerapkan berbagai trik di dalam buku ini, orang-orang jujur seperti Anda laya…
Shortly after 2011, artefacts from below the Musi River began to appear in the antique markets of both Jakarta and Bali. And considerable quantities were sold overseas via internet transaction. Many of those sales did not associate objects with the Musi River. In response to the widespread concern that much historical information on the archaeology of Sriwijaya was being lost, Mrs Heny Kustiars…