Whether a proposition is established depends on prior evidence. Prior evidence must warrant not only sufficiently high confidence in the truth of the proposition, but also high confidence that further evidence will not call the proposition into question, i.e., that confidence in the proposition will remain sufficiently high in the light of new evidence. We can refer to these as the ‘threshold…
This ultimate dictionary explains, defines and depicts more than 33,000 terms from the parts of a volcano to the components of an engine and offers detailed explanations and annotations of each.
The amazing variety of life that exists on our planet is so rich that new kinds of organisms are still being discovered every day. More than 2 million species (types of organisms) have been named and described by scientists, and there are probably millions more waiting to be discovered. But these are only a tiny fraction of the species that have ever existed on earth in the past.
Anointed with Oil places religion and oil at the center of American history. As prize-winning historian Darren Dochuk reveals, from the earliest discovery of oil in America during the Civil War, citizens saw oil as the nation's special blessing and its peculiar burden, the source of its prophetic mission in the world. Over the century that followed and down to the present day, the oil industry'…