The former Saighton Camp (centred on NGR SJ 4290 6420) was built for training by the British Army just prior to the start of the Second World War. The camp was located on the plain to the west of the mid-Cheshire ridge, to the east of the River Dee and to the south of Huntington village, separated from the latter by the A55 (Figure 1). It remained in use by …
Consistent with the aims of this book, my intent in this chapter is to outline a critical approach to physiotherapy ethics. However, it would perhaps be more accurate to state that my task is to explicate how any critical work is concerned with ethics. Physiotherapists, like most health professionals, are trained in a narrow version of bioethics that emphasizes juridical rules and top do…
Today, a large set of engineering tasks is supported by mathematical models related to various scientific disciplines. This set of tasks is called Model-Based Engineer-ing (MBE). In this book, we restrict our attention to geometrical or morphological models, thermal models, mechanical models and statistical models, at various scales. The related ma…
Now Find Your Why picks up where Start With Why left off. It shows you how to apply Simon Sinek’s powerful insights so that you can find more inspiration at work -- and in turn inspire those around you. I believe fulfillment is a right and not a privilege. We are all entitled to wake up in the morning inspired to go to work, feel safe when we’re there and return home fulfilled at the en…
Substitute the term ‘place’ for the apricot-cocktail glass, and you have the overall theme of this book. It puts forward an account of London’s urban landscape by considering it as a constellation of places linked by paths of movement between them.The aim of this book is to describe these places as faithfully as possible through phenomenological description grounded in partic…
Calculus is the key to much of modern science and engineering. It is the mathematical method for the analysis of things that change, and since in the natural world we are surrounded by change, the development of calculus was a huge breakthrough in the history of mathematics. But it is also something of a mathematical adventure, largely because of the way infinity enters at virtually every twist…
The conversation had taken an unexpected turn. It is not often that people compare academic publishing and churchgoing. Nor would many think of using age as a measure of the credibility of an academic journal. Yet Akosua’s witty apercu, offered in an interview about academic publishing practices in Ghana, reveals an important truth. A scholarly journalâ€â€¦
Although (Soddy, Nature 92:399–400,1913)inferred the existence of isotopes early lastcentury, it was not until the discovery of theneutron by (Chadwick, Nature 129:312,1932)that isotopes were understood to result fromdiffering numbers of neutrons in atomicnuclei. (Urey, J Chem Soc 1947:562–581,1947) predicted that different isotopes wouldbehave slightly differently in chemical (andphys…
From the rings of Saturn to the "canals" of Mars and the Great Red Dot of Jupiter, the planets of our Solar System have long fascinated humanity. Featuring many striking photos, this Very Short Introduction offers a fascinating portrait of the unique world of each planet as well as an illuminating discussion of moons, asteroids, and Trans-Neptunian objects. Leading planetary scientist David A. …
Over the past two decades, Canadian international history has slipped its traditional North Atlantic moorings. Studies of Canada’s postwar relation-ships with a waning United Kingdom or an ascendant United States have faded in popularity, replaced with a stream of publications on relations with the decolonized states of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, countries whose citizens increasingly co…