In Februruary 1972, Working in the perpetual Drizzle that shrouds the central coast of Vietnam each winter, soldiers from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) produced a photographic inventory of two bases newly acquired from the Americans. Just a few weeks before, some thirty thousand US Army and Marine Corps troops removed themselves with thousands of tons of equipment from PhÃ…
Are you looking for a complete course in Czech which takes you effortlessly from beginner to confident speaker? Whether you are starting from scratch, or are just out of practice, Complete Czech will guarantee success! Now fully updated to make your language learning experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher and our years of teaching experie…
Als Siegfried Landshut im Februar 1950 zwei Gastvorträge im Hauptgebäude derUniversitätHamburghielt,kehrteererstmalsandenOrtzurück,vondemerknapp17 Jahre zuvor als Jude vertrieben worden war.1Zum Sommersemester 1951 erhielter dann den neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl für die »Wissenschaft von der Politik«,einen der ersten seiner Art in der Bundesrepublik. An der Etablierung der Poli-tikwissen…
Greek: An Essential Grammar is a concise and user-friendly reference guide to modern Greek. It presents a fresh and accessible description of the language in short, readable sections. Explanations are clear and supported by examples throughout. This new edition has been revised and updated to present an accurate and accessible description of the most important aspects of modern Greek.
In his introduction to Irish Drama and Theatre since 1950 (2019), Patrick Lonergan outlines the genealogy of the #WakingTheFeminists movement, which began as a contestation of how the Abbey’s 2016 Waking the Nation programme marginalised female playwrights and directors, but quickly expanded to raise awareness about the precarious position of women in …
One of the first questions that students have when they start reading Study Secrets is ‘what actions should I take first?’. This book is packed with so much helpful information that it can be difficult to know where to start. A student who can read, but doesn’t act upon their reading, is really the same as a student who never reads at all. Acting upon the secrets you learn is the only way…
Immersive technologies are opening gateways to virtual realities that might change journalism forever. In the virtual world, journalism balances on the edge between imaginary approaches to fact- based creation and extended options for fakes. The journalistic maneuverings between reality and virtual reality are particularly intri-guing to work with because they put the truth- seeking…
The demographic make-up of populations at the time of disaster determines whois impacted and the extent of impacts on residents and others. Improving technolo-gies, improved warning systems, investments in disaster mitigating infrastructureand improving community preparedness and response in the face of disasters areexamples of attempts to reduce disaster impacts. While a range of studies havel…
This publication explores, in detail and with photographs and illustrations, the April 1975 withdrawal of the American Navy and Marine Corps from Cambodia and South Vietnam (with refugees), and the aftermath in Southeast Asia. This withdrawal showed the courage and skill of the American forces, who had to carry out large-scale and complicated evacuations despite criticism of the military by ma…
In recent research, there has been growing emphasis on the collaborative, social, and collective nature of musical behaviour and practices. Among the emerging hypotheses in this connection are the idea that listening to music is always listening together and being with the other; that music making is a matter of intercorporeality, mutuality, and emphatic attunement; and that creative agency in …