Imagine having almost instantaneous access to a permanent record of all digital transactions undertaken across the world. Without revealing precisely who and what is involved in these transactions, this digital database grants you nearly real- time overviews of peer- to-peer exchange within and across national borders. Such unprecedented capacity to monitor direct …
Civil engineering has made an inestimable contribution to modern life, providing the crucial expertise behind our vast transportation systems and the wide array of built structures where we work, study, and play. In this Very Short Introduction, engineer David Muir Wood turns a spotlight on a field that we often take for granted. He sheds light on the nature and importance of civil engineering …
This publication explores, in detail and with photographs and illustrations, the April 1975 withdrawal of the American Navy and Marine Corps from Cambodia and South Vietnam (with refugees), and the aftermath in Southeast Asia. This withdrawal showed the courage and skill of the American forces, who had to carry out large-scale and complicated evacuations despite criticism of the military by ma…
If we follow the above definitions, then virtual heritage is not only the bringing together of virtual reality technology with cultural heritage content, it is also an experiential medium. However, that experience is based on the recreating or reconstructing of data, measurements, and observations. Virtual heritage is a fascinating and challenging area of practice and research, but …
Mengapa interaksi kita dengan orang tak dikenal sering kali keliru? Penghentian pelanggar lalu lintas rutin yang berakhir dengan tragedi. Mata-mata yang bertahun-tahun tak terdeteksi di tingkat tertinggi Pentagon. Mengapa kita sering sekali keliru memahami orang lain? Mengapa sukar sekali mendeteksi kebohongan, membaca wajah, atau menilai motif orang tak dikenal? Melalui serangkaian pertemuan…
Our intention has been to translate the poems into plain and unadorned prose, staying as close to the original as modern English idiom will allow, in order to reveal what may loosely be termed the ‘literal’ sense of the text. Readers approaching these poems from an acquaintance with Chaucer’s works will already be aware that one of the chief difficulties of Middle English for the modern r…