Over the last decades and since the’60 s, civil aircraft noise has been mitigatedsignificantly:theacousticalenergyemittedbyaveragemoderncivilaircraft—directlyrelated to the noise it is responsible for—is somehow only 10% of an aircraft of thesame size in the’60 s. This success was made possible thanks to specific researchefforts which focused on reducing the aircraft noise at its source…
Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates our lives in a growing number of ways. Relying solely on traditional, technology-driven approaches won't suffice to develop and deploy that technology in a way that truly enhances human experience. A new concept is desperately needed to reach that goal. That concept is Human-Centered AI (HCAI). With 29 captivating chapters, this book delves deep into the r…
The image of the Prophet as it was established in Muslim religious and historical tradition had, despite many critical objections, remained for a long time at the centre of historical reconstruction and dominated both positive and more critical accounts of the “Life of the Prophet”. But in recent decades this image has been questioned and overshadowed by other research attempts. These loca…
Since the council, the Christian church has only grown in its appreciation for the value of diverse, deeply inculturated expressions of the one faith. These expressions might appear in the form of local liturgies and spiritualities, or in distinctive religious customs and popular devotions. Among these diverse expressions, we must include theological articulations of the faith that arise as Chr…
It is proposed here to show upon what principles and by what rules Greek and Roman society was governed. We unite in the same study both the Greeks and the Romans, because these two peoples, who were two branches of a single race, and who spoke two idioms of a single language, also had the same institutions and the same principles of government, and passed through a series of similar revolution…