Explore this vast and beguiling country, from peaceful Darjeeling and vibrant Kolkata to Kanha National Park and its tigers, the idyllic Kerala backwaters, and the majestic Taj Mahal.
How significant is the history of untouchability for an understanding of South Asia’s early modern past? Studies that approach early modern caste as a whole tend to represent the “untouchable” castes as being at the bottom-most rung of a graded order and untouchability as part of the larger complex of caste practices. But the exclusion and discrimination that those deemed “Untouchable…
Soal bagaimana wirausahawan politik sayap-kanan di seluruh dunia menggunakan rekayasa ketersinggungan untuk memobilisasi pendukung dan menyingkirkan lawan. Di Amerika Serikat, unsur-unsur keagamaan sayap-kanan mengobarkan ancaman eksistensial terhadap Islam serta menyebarkan retorika anti-muslim ke pentas politik arus utama. Di Indonesia, muslim garis-keras memanaskan hawa intoleransi dengan m…