Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra (SNBS) 1 ini merupakan hasil Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra yang diikuti peserta dari berbagai kalangan, mulai dari mahasiswa, dosen, guru, sastrawan, dan peneliti. Prosiding ini memuat hampir seluruh pemakalah bahasa dan sastra dalam bingkai penguat jati diri bangsa mulai dari kelayakan karya sastra sebagai bahan bacaan siswa, resepsi sastra, t…
Pundit Mustaki left the room immediately. He was very shocked by what Dewi Joharmanik had just said. He was hurt. He threatened to take revenge. He rushed to his room. When Pundit Mustaki had left, Dewi Joharmanik hurriedly close and lock the door. She turned around and went to bed. She slammed her body onto the bed. She buried her body under the pillow and began sobbing. She cursed Pundit Mus…
The sky on the Middle of Nowhere Kingdom was clear with white clouds stroking like a painting. A breeze winded up the leaves and flowers in the garden. King Kasmidun used to enjoy the beautiful ambience together with his daughter, but it was not so that afternoon. His only daughter named Princess Kumalasari fell ill. In her pavilion, Princess Kumalasari had been lying listless on her bed. The…