Shortly after three-o’clock on 28th July 2017, in a private room of a specialised hospice in suburban London, staffdisconnected the breathing machine that was keeping alive 11-month old infant, Charlie Gard. Lying on either side of him, his parents Connie Yates and Chris Gard held his hands, leaned close, and talked to him. They spoke to him of how proud they were of him. They saw him open hi…
hen Cymene and I wrote the proposal to the National Science Founda-tion for the grant that would eventually fund the main period of our field research, we more or less took for granted the significance of human politi-cal power in addressing climate change. We said we wished to investigate the “political culture” of wind power development in southern Mexic…
Welcome to the 4th edition of this handbook. Over the previous editions, we have tried to evolve the content and style to make the book more accessible and useful to our readers. This has continued in edition four with alterations, in response to reader feedback and as a result of new data emerging in many cancer fields. Oncology has continued to produce novel diagnostics, treatment strategies,…
his introduction is a mediated gesture, in medias res, designed to help you, dear reader, become better acquainted with the writings that comprise this book; how they originated, and what they are attempting to achieve. I cannot see your facial expres-sion while I am doing the introducing, so I do not have a sense of whether my gesture is capturing your attention. Perhaps it is boring…
Stuff is happening. The book Hyperobjects is now in a way irrele-vant—everyone knows, everyone intuitively feels (which is much more important) what a hyperobject is. Coronavirus is everywhere. You can’t see it. It operates on all kinds of different scales—terrify-ing interpersonally or if you’re being forced back to work or school; weirdly amazing…