Most of the following contributions are based on a two-day workshop held in February 2020 at the Vitromusée Romont, the Swiss Museum of Stained Glass and Glass Art, to commemorate the exhibition Reflets de Chine: Trois siècles de peinture sous verre chinoise, one of the first exhibitions in the West that presented a major survey dedicat-ed to Chinese reverse glass painting, tracing its long h…
L’agroécologie est avant tout un nouveau paradigme qui vise à valoriser les processus biologiques pour couvrir à la fois des attentes de production agricole et d’autres ser-vices écosystémiques des agrosystèmes: protéger les ressources, contribuer à atténuer le changement climatique, préserver les habitats et les patrimoines culturels. Un corol-laire est de considérer l’agroéc…
For centuries, scientists have been fascinated by the role of the Sun in the Earth’s climate system. Recent discoveries, outlined in this book, have gradually unveiled a complex picture, in which our variable Sun affects the climate variability via a number of subtle pathways, the implications of which are only now becoming clear. This handbook provides the scientifically curious, from underg…