Kota Yogyakarta merupakan kota dengan segudang predikat. Sebutan kota budaya dan kota pelajar begitu melekat. Tidaklah mengherankan karena wilayah ini dahulu merupakan salah satu wilayah pusat pemerintahan kerajaan Mataram Islam di pulau Jawa yang sarat dengan nilai dan sejarah budaya, sehingga otomatis pula wilayah ini merupakan pusat kegiatan dan pengembangan kebudayaan. Kebudayaan sendiri da…
The wooden raft moved slowly upstream Sungai (River) Kandilo. Small hands rowed the raft with long bamboo poles vaulted on the shallow bottom of the river. The hands belonged to a boy with fair coloured skin and hair falling apart on the shoulder. His body was not a large and well-built one, neither did he seem too powerful to steer the raft. The boy’s name was Pego. Like most children livi…
The sun has never left the earth despite the perfect raincloud that covers the sky2 . Similarly, God will never leave humans even though we see that our lives are always miserable, underprivileged, or full of trials. Behind it all, there must be a mighty power that strengthens human beings