The present volume does not generally focus on the question of whether thoughts (cognition) or feelings (emotion) are more functional. Rather, this introductory material is sufficient to make the case that, typically, thoughts and feelings are seen to be distinct entities with distinct effects (e.g., Epstein, 1994). Yet, it has become increasingly apparent that cognition and emotion often inter…
Digitalisation has changed the way monetary systems work for many years already, but recently it hasstarted to change its structure more fundamentally. Developed economies rapidly reduce the importance of cash, and in some cases envisage becoming cashless entirely in the foreseeable future. At the same time digital currencies have appeared. The first wave of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, E…
Kitab Suci Kesatria Cahaya adalah ajakan bagi kita semua untuk mewujudkan impian, menerima ketidakpastian dalam hidup, dan bangkit untuk menyongsong takdir pribadi kita yang unik. Ada sosok sang Kesatria Cahaya di dalam diri setiap orang, dan dengan caranya yang tak tertandingi, Paulo Coelho membantu kita untuk menemukannya. Jalan Kesatria Cahaya tak selalu mudah, tetapi dia menerima kegagalan-…