A spectacularly illustrated, comprehensive guide to the prehistoric world and the plants and animals that lived there provides in-depth discussions of early Earth's climates and conditions, and the life forms that flourished and floundered throughout each era. Reprint.
This book is uniquely about the relationship between the optical telescope and astronomy as they developed together. It covers the time between the telescope's pivotal invention in the 1600's up to the modern era of space-based telescopes. Over the intervening centuries, there were huge improvements in the optical resolution of telescopes, along with changes in their positioning and nature of a…
We are excited to present the very first conservation biology textbook dedicated entirely to an African audience. The need for this work has never been more pressing than now. Africa has some of the fastest growing human populations on Earth. This growth, together with a much-needed push for development to ensure that all Africans can live healthy and prosp…
In a brisk revisionist history, William Rowe challenges the standard narrative of Qing China as a decadent, inward-looking state that failed to keep pace with the modern West. The Great Qing was the second major Chinese empire ruled by foreigners. Three strong Manchu emperors worked diligently to secure an alliance with the conquered Ming gentry, though many of their social edicts—especial…
Aqueous solutions are subject to bacterial or enzymatic degradation but may be preserved by initially boiling the solution for a short time to inactivate any enzymes present; microwave irradiation can also be used. Aqueous solutions may also be preserved by the addition of an antimicrobial preservative such as 0.1% w/v benzoic acid, 0.1% w/v sodium benzoate, or a mixture of 0.17% w/v methylpara…
From the days of the Greek cartographers dreaming about Ultima Thule at the edges of the known world, the cold reaches of the northern hemi-sphere have inspired grandiose caricatures of risk and opportunity. The region is often imagined from a distance as sublime, exceptional and prone to extremes. Out of space and out of time, as Poe put it, the cir-cumpolar North is frequently …
his interdisciplinary collection—spanning the disciplines of engineering, law and planning—draws helpfully on a range of practical and theoretical perspectives. It is the collaborative effort of leading experts in the fields of infrastructure project initiation and financing, and is based on international research conducted by the University of Melbourne, Universitas Indonesia and Universit…
This book offers a systematic account of the process of designing in architecture. Design thinking can be regarded as a fundamentally different way of knowing the world and a particular form of addressing creative problems. In this publication, the authors undertake to explore multiple and often controversial theoretical stances on the topic. Underlying principles of inquiry are present in all …
his book is about Singapore’s development into a city in which water and vegetation, along with associated environmental, technical, social and political aspects have been harnessed and cultivated into a livable sustainable way of life. It is also a story about a unique and thoroughgoing approach to large-scale and potentially transferable water sustainability, within largely urbanized circum…