Stalin's Quest for Gold tells the story of Torgsin, a chain of retail shops established in 1930 with the aim of raising the hard currency needed to finance the USSR's ambitious industrialization program. At a time of desperate scarcity, Torgsin had access to the country's best foodstuffs and goods. Initially, only foreigners were allowed to shop in Torgsin, but the acute demand for hard-currenc…
In their centuries-old history, the Roma (formerly known as Gypsies) experienced many difficult moments and cruel trials from their arrival in Europe until now. The history of the Roma in the USSR is no exception in this respect. Along with affirmative state policy towards them (at least until the end of the 1930s), they also fell victim to the massive political repressions of that time. In thi…
Grand, extravagant, magnificent, scandalous, corrupt, political, personal, fractious; these are terms often associated with the medieval and early modern courts. Moreover, the court constituted a forceful nexus in the social world, which was central to the legitimacy and authority of rulership. As such, courts shaped European politics and culture: architecture, art, fashion, patronage, and cult…
Funding development requires access to financial resources. While this causal-ity is commonsense, the underlying complexity and struggle has accompanied international development organizations ever since they were founded. The objective of the 2020 aiib Legal Conference and the 4th Volume of the aiibYearbook of International Law is to take stock. Taking stock requires us t…
Buku penuntun tentang pengobatan melalui makanan. Informasi disediakan untuk Anda untuk mengerti lebih baik kondisi fisik Anda, tahu manajemen makanan untuk diikuti, dan belajar bagaimana untuk mempersiapkan makanan yang tepat untuk penyakit tertentu yang sedang mengganggu Anda. Buku ini terdiri dari empat bagian yang saling terkait: Bagian 1—Gangguan Kesehatan. Gangguan kesehatan dan p…