Widening Scripts: Cultivating Feminist Care in Academic Labor is addressed to scholars, educators, and students devoted to the struggle against precarity, atomization, and the commodification of knowledge. Through shared reading, discussion, and reflection, and gathered around a shared interest in feminist theory and politics, the authors discovered a model of care within academia that helped t…
From unearthing archaeological treasures at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to biking through Central Park to strolling the streets of the artsy Soho and East and West Village neighborhoods, experience all that New York City has to offer. Plus, check out the best of the boroughs with suggested highlights for Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, the Bronx, and Upper Manhattan. Included with the bo…
The family Iridoviridae currently contains fi ve genera, two of which infect invertebrates ( Iridovirus and Chloriridovirus ) and three that infect only ectother-mic vertebrates ( Lymphocystivirus , Megalocytivirus , and Ranavirus ; Jancovich et al. 2015a ). Lymphocy stiviruses and megalocytiviruses only infect fi sh, whereas, as indicated above, r…
We are inspired by and support UCL’s programme to liberate the curriculum alongside other programmes with similar aims. Women are too often excluded in the history of science, and this book aims to recover the voices, works and experiences of women in the production of knowledge through primary sources. This book offers university lecturers and tutors a diverse range of …
Though the guitar as we know it is only about a century and a half old, its roots as a plucked stringed instrument go back deep into history. Many ancient folk instruments have followed the basic strings-stretched-overfretboard-and-played-with-fingers design for thousands of years, and the guitar is in some ways the culmination of that legacy. It seems humans have always had something like the …
Sheds new light on European and regional book markets, the development of a public sphere and the impact of new media on intellectual, social, religious and political change. How do you become a citizen? Ever since printing was introduced, being a member of society increasingly involved reading and writing: for sociability and belonging, instruction and entertainment, profit and charity, spirit…
In April 1933, at a small gathering at a meeting of the US National Committee of the International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), Bell Labs scientist Karl Guthe Jansky announced that he had detected 20.5 MHz (14.6 m) radio emis-sion from the Milky Way. Jansky used a novel directional antenna based on an invention by AT&T Bell Labs colleague, Edmond Bruce, that rotated every…
Good nutrition and access to an adequate diet and health are essential for child growth and development, body maintenance and protection from both infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in adult life. Adequate nutrition and a healthy productive population are increasingly recognized not only as resulting from but also as an important prerequisite for poverty reduction and economic and …
Coba saya lihat rencana bisnis Anda. Jika Anda mendengar kata-kata tersebut dari pemberi pinjaman, investor, atau mitra bisnis, dan Anda memerlukan sebuah rencana bisnis segera, maka buku ini tepat untuk Anda! Isinya Ringkas, tapi mendalam. Semua yang Anda perlukan untuk mengembangkan rencana bisnis yang berhasil. Dilengkapai dengan Tips Kilat membantu Anda menyelesaikan tugas penting dengan ce…