Despite the spread of democratization following the Cold War's end, all signs indicate that we are living through an era of resurgent authoritarianism. Around 40 percent of the world's people live under some form of authoritarian rule, and authoritarian regimes govern about a third of the world's countries. In Authoritarianism: What Everyone Needs to Know®, Erica Frantz guides us through to…
Alice has always wanted to be a writer. Her talent is innate, but her stories remain safe and detached, until a devastating event breaks her heart open, and she creates a stunning debut novel. Her words, in turn, find their way to readers, from a teenager hiding her homelessness, to a free diver pushing himself beyond endurance, an artist furious at the world around her, a bookseller in search …
Studi Sarjana (undergraduated Study) adalah salah satu dari empat seri buklet pengantar yang diproduksi oleh Departemen Luar Negeri AS yang bertujuan untuk memberi arahan praktis dan objektif kepada calon Mahasiswa internasional dan sarjana tentnag belajar di Amerika. Buklet-buklet tersebut dapat diunduh lewat internet dalam bentuk cetak dapat diperoleh lewat Pusat Informasi dan Bimbingan Educa…