This ICME-13 Topical Survey is designed to provide an overview of contemporaryresearch in the philosophy of mathematics education. This is a broad cluster ofoverlapping but at times disparate themes. In thefirst instance, this publicationexposes some of the problems and questions in mathematics education that thephilosophy of mathematics education clarifies, illuminates and sometimes helps toso…
Ernest Wood has taken an interest in Zen since writing his first article on the subject for a Shanghai magazine when he was in Japan in 1920. This book gives a clear picture of Zen ideas, history, and biography of the growth of Zen in China and Japan. Professor Ernest Egerton Wood (* 18 August 1883 in Manchester, England; + 17 September 1965 in Houston, United States) was a noted yogi, theosoph…
Polar bears are a charismatic Arctic species and the anticipated effects of climate change on their habitat have gained increasing international attention, making the species a high-profile conservation priority. Changes to the Arctic ecosystem will not only affect polar bears and their habitat, but also the livelihoods of Arctic communities. Hunting polar bears helps maintain cultural identit…