Jeremy Bentham’s writings on Australia, new authoritative editions of which are now published in a volume entitled Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia1 in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham, have had a profound and enduring influence across a number of fields. For instance, according to the historian John Gascoigne, s…
Furthermore, within the context of action regulation theory, a suitable concept canbe identified to conceptualize sovereignty with respect to individuals in work settings.A core meaning of sovereignty – across all domains as described above (Couture and Toupin 2019) – deals withcontrol, in the sense of individuals – or groups, movements,corporations, states – having control over their e…
Evolusi ialah salah satu gagasan ilmiah yg paling sering disalahgunakan & disalah mengerti. Baik profesional maupun awam, sering keliru memahai teori ini kendati sudah silam hampir dua abad. Kesulitan itu dipahami & ditangkap oleh Ernst Mayr sehingga ia menulis buku ini. Ernst Mayr ialah salah seorang begawan biologi yg ikut mengawinkan teori evolusi Darwin & genetika Mendel. Ia dianggap sebaga…