Anthrax has not been diagnosed in SA for many years, but the risk of an outbreak is heightened with occasional detections in NSW and Victoria as well as isolated outbreaks in WA and Queensland. Anthrax is caused by a bacterium that affects many species including cattle, sheep, goats and humans. The bacterium produces spores when exposed to air that persist in soil for many years. The disease is…
Ireland is a parliamentary democracy. Its law is based on Common Law and legislation enacted by the (Irish Parliament) under the Constitution. In addition, regulations and directives enacted by the European Union have the force of law in Ireland. The Constitution of Ireland sets out the form of government and defines the powers and functions of the President, both Houses of the and the Govern…
Broiler chickens are bred and raised for meat production. The broiler industry is the most advanced system of animal food production and the United States has the world’s largest broiler industry. In 2012, data released by the National Chicken Council indicates that the broiler industry provides over 1 million jobs, $47 billion in wages, $197 billion ineconomic activity, and $17.2 billion in …
Passed by Congress in 1966, the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) sets general standards for humane care and treatment that must be provided for certain animals that are bred for commercial sale, sold sight unseen (Internet sales), exhibited to the public, used in biomedical research, or transported commercially. Congress assigned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the responsibility for enforcin…