Tidak sedikit masyarakat yang menjadi korban penipuan berkedok investasi menggunakan bendera koperasi ataupun pinjaman online ilegal akibat kurangnya literasi keuangan ataupun akses pembiayaan ke perbankan. Di samping itu, tata kelola dan penegakan hukum sektor keuangan juga masih lemah. Maraknya kasus gagal bayar industri asuransi beberapa tahun belakangan menggambarkan masih rendahnya tingkat…
The cuticle of insects has several functions, such as protecting against environmental conditions, pathogens, and other insects, as well as supporting the body. The epicuticle is the external layer of the cuticle and consists of two layers: the first one, composed of chitin, and the second one, composed of hydrocarbons, which helps the insect avoid dehy-dration and damage…