From July 5 to 7, 2021, the second “Tsinghua Area Studies Forum” with “Areas of the World and the World in Areas” as its theme, was held by the Institute for International and Area Studies (IIAS) at Tsinghua Univer-sity in Beijing. One hundred and forty-four scholars from 13 countries and 36 universities and research institutions aroun…
ata has been dubbed the “new oil” (Economist, 2017) driving the business models of the digital economy, but there are considerable privacy risks for those operating in the digital space. People whose livelihoods depend on crowdworking can be particularly affected, since the use of their data can be essential for them, namely when data processing…
Botany and plant sciences.
Perhaps in anticipation of posthumous damnation, Wang Jingwei on his deathbed asked his family and followers not to publish his speeches or essays. A collection of his classical-style verses alone, he declared, would serve as his testament.4 An editorial committee duly compiled and published his poems as Poetry on the Double-Shining Tower in May 1945,5three months before…
This atlas provides a bird’s-eye view of the religious land-scape in China. It maps the officially registered venues of five major religions—Buddhism, Christianity (Protestant and Catholic), Daoism, and Islam—at the national, pro-vincial, and county levels, and draws the contours of Confucianism, folk religion, and the Mao cult. It describes the main organizations, beli…
Tanggal rilis: 25 March 2014. "Percayakah Anda, bahwa sejak dulu pemimpin-pemimpin hebat di dunia ini, baik dalam bidang ketatanegaraan maupun dalam bidang korporasi, disadari atau tidak telah menerapkan 11 elemen kepemimpinan dari sosok seekor naga? Makhluk legendaris kebanggaan orang Tionghoa yang selalu diidentikkan dengan sebagai lambang kekayaan, kekuasaan, kemakmuran, dan kemuliaan terti…
Sinopsis: Pernahkah Anda mempertanyakan berbagai fenomena aneh: • Kenapa ide bagus ditolak? • Kenapa suatu kebijakan yang terlihat gampang sulit terlaksana? • Kenapa produk bagus gagal di pasar? • Kenapa produk yang lebih jelek justru sukses? • Kenapa rakyat rela mati demi pemimpinnya? • Kenapa seseorang atau kelompok membela orang atau produk yang mereka benci? • Kenapa perusahaa…