The German-speaking television market is considered the third largest in the world, after the US and China. It has 72 million viewers, 37 million television households and 22 trillion euros in annual revenue (Eichner and Esser 2020, 190). As in other areas of society, a radical transformation has been unfolding across this television market for …
This study asks the question how highly-skilled migrants cope with professional careers on the one hand and family life on the other. To answer to this ques-tion, I conducted 36 interviews with highly-skilled migrants and seven other interviews with key informants in the Lake Geneva region, Switzerland, and the Frankfurt Rhine-Main region, Germany. The …
It is 2009, a year after the Beijing Olympics, and I have made my way across northern Beijing, past one of the massive ring-roads, to a large block of office buildings that sits not too far from the Olympic axis — a long stretch of asphalt, greenery, and event buildings that cuts across the city in an extension of the old north-south connection that the Forbidden Ci…
In developing quantum mechanics of pointlike particles one is faced with a curious, almost paradoxical situation: One seeks a more general theory which takes proper account of Planck’s quantum of action h and which encompasses classical mechanics, in the limit h ? 0, but for which initially one has no more than the formal framework of canonical mechanics. This is to say, slightly exaggerating…
Industrial film, non-theatrical film, film studies and science and technology studies, economic history, visual culture
Most legal thinkers and practitioners view law as fundamentally terrestrial. Indeed, law—in its Eurocentric iteration at least—ultimately imagines itself as beginning and ending on terra firma. Land is perceived as a fully historicized, mapped, and regulated space that stands in stark opposition to the seemingly a-temporal, empty, and unruly sea.…
Streets and routes, corridors and staircases are not only systems of access but also keys to the communal lives of occupants. Because they provide information concerning the distribution of spaces and the patterns of movement that connect them, access systems and the gestalts of access spaces condition and express social structures. The structure and development of urban districts and entire ci…