Chemical monitoring provides a quantitative assessment of individual organiccontaminant concentrations in a water sample but does not account for thepresence of unknown compounds such as transformation products, untargetedchemicals (i.e., not previously known to be present) or for interactions amongchemicals. Bioanalytical monitoring, also called effect-based monitoring (EBM),is complementary t…
In the spring of 2020, the world came to a halt. Schools, shops, and restaurants closed. Millions of people lost their jobs. Office staffmoved to teleworking while essential workers did double shifts to attend to patients or deliver food. Manufacturing almost stopped. Roads emptied. Airports shut down. This came to be known as the Great Lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic is the most …
The Albertian paradigm of architecture as an allographic1practice implies that architectural design comprises forms of notation and representation. It would seem that mediums2 are all that architects engage with. Architecture is primarily a cultural, visual practice that operates through design, understood as composition and the arrangement of relations. While architects work with drawings and …
The word manage, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is derivative of the Latin manus, or hand and emerges from the Italian maneggiare, which refers to the handling or training of horses. Its use has since been expanded to represent a broader concern for the proper handling of things or people, particularly with regard to a company or organization. This is true across multiple levels of…