Every machine learning system has hyperparameters, and the most basic task inautomated machine learning (AutoML) is to automatically set these hyperparam-eters to optimize performance. Especially recent deep neural networks cruciallydepend on a wide range of hyperparameter choices about the neural network’s archi-tecture, regularization, and optimization. Automated hyperpa…
No Church is monolithic—this is the preliminary premise of this volume on the public place of religion in a representative number of post-communist countries. The studies confirm that within any religious organization we can expect to find fissures, factions, theological or ideological quarrels, and perhaps even competing interest groups, such as missionary workers, regular clergy versus secu…
Present- day Germany is a post- Christian nation. Religious pluralism, a decrease of ethical and religious convictions originating in Christianity, individualism, and secularization describe the cultural influences in Germany.1 Mainline churches have suffered from a drastic decline in membership for several decades and expect to lose half of their members by 2060.2 The average…
In Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction, best-selling author Frank Close provides a compelling and lively introduction to the fundamental particles that make up the universe. The book begins with a guide to what matter is made up of and how it evolved, and goes on to describe the fascinating and cutting-edge techniques used to study it. The author discusses particles such as quarks, elec…
A typical example of the benefits and challenges of miniaturization is the ABS(anti-blocking system) in modern cars. Whilst the weight could be decreased toapprox. 10% of the weight of thefirst system, the part complexity has significantlyincreased. This is indicated by the decrease in the number of parts by approx. 90%in current systems, compared to thefirst versions [Nos14], even though addit…
In 1952, John William Miller delivered the Phi Beta Kappa address during Hobart College’s commencement. This lecture, “The Scholar as Man of the World,” offers an excellent statement of his philosophy of education. It covers a lot of ground, and in this chap-ter I focus on one of the stated aims of the lecture: exploring the importance of morale for college students. Toward the mid…
In recent years, the Dallas Museum of Art has expanded its collection of South Asian art from a small number of Indian temple sculptures to nearly 500 works, including Indian Hindu and Buddhist sculptures, Himalayan Buddhist bronze sculptures and ritual objects, artwork from Southeast Asia, and decorative arts from India’s Mughal period. Artworks in the collection have origins from the former…
Immanuel Wallerstein is often named“the master of the field”2when scholarsdiscuss world-systems theory, and while there are others whose works pavedthe way for this kind of analysis,3it is true that the former had a prominentposition within the field he helped to create. Wallerstein, however, would notonly be perceived as a “worldwide renowned and influential sociologist andeconomic histo…
One of the main trends in labour relations across Europe – started already in the 1980s – is “decentralisation” in collective bargaining at the company level. This involves a shift from multi-employer bargaining to single-employer bargaining with trade unions or other workers representatives (Marginson, 2015; oecd, 2018; Traxler, 1995; Visser, 2016). This development continued in the la…
This textbook is about how students learn and how teachers can teach well. Although this textbook assumes no prior knowledge about educational research, it is intended to be much more than just an “introduction” that will lay the groundwork for you to learn to teach later on. On the contrary, as you read this book, you will learn theory- and research-based skills that you could apply right …