The claim “what we know is what exists” appears, at first glance, to be quite an obvious statement – we know dogs and horses and so it seems obvious that dogs and horses exist. However, upon further reflection, it rather seems that what is most properly the object of our knowledge is not these particular dogs and horses themselves, but something that is universal – what Plato called a …
In the ethnographical examination of entrepreneurial-creative places such asmakerspaces, incubators, or living labs, I frequently encountered assertions andexplanatory patterns imbued with emotion. Interestingly, these narratives oftenseem to evade a conscious acknowledgement of their emotional nature. Instead,participants describe experiences asmagical moments, visions of a brighter future,afl…
he first chapter of this section traces Marcin Giz ̇ycki’s personal animation journey since 1980.As editor- in-chief of the ASIFAquarterly Animafilm,he published the now infamous definition on animation,which was agreed to at the Board’s meeting,taking place at the Animafest Zagreb in the same year: ‘The art of animation is the creation of moving images through the manipulation of all va…