Traditional concrete has a limited fluidity and needs to be actively compacted. Its performance has now been scientifically surpassed by highly technological mixtures based on multiple blends of powders combined with specially designed admixtures, showing rheological properties that make the fresh material self-compacting [1]. In spite of its many advantages (reduced energy consumpti…
A Literary History of Medicine by the Syrian physician Ibn Ab? U?aybi?ah (d. 1270) is the earliest comprehensive history of medicine. It contains biographies of over 432 physicians, ranging from the ancient Greeks to the author’s contemporaries, describing their training and practice, often as court physicians, and listing their medical works; all this interlaced with poems and anecdotes. The…
The Buddha and the Borderline is a window into this mysterious and debilitating condition, an unblinking portrayal of one woman's fight against the emotional devastation of borderline personality disorder. This haunting, intimate memoir chronicles both the devastating period that led to Kiera's eventual diagnosis and her inspirational recovery through therapy, Buddhist spirituality, and a few o…
ILMU PENGETAHUAN TENTANG LINGKUNGAN ( Halaman 1-108) Apakah bumi akan merupakan tempat tinggal yang cocok bagi generasi yang akan datang? Pada bagian ini kita akan menyelidiki jenis tanaman, hewan terancam punah, dan rimba raya yang dilindungi, tentang lingkungan mulai dari sumber daya alam bumi-air, hutan, mineral, sampai industri, pertanian, transportasi, dan kegiatan lainnya. ILMU KIMIA…