Achieving happiness while excelling at your career. What is the nature of human happiness, and how do we achieve it in the course of our professional lives? And is it even worth pursuing? This book explores answers to these questions with research into how happiness is measured, frameworks for personal behaviors, management techniques that build happiness in the workplace—and warnings t…
Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library’s role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities projects. It pays special attention to the critical role of librarians in building sustainable programs. It also examines how libraries can support the use of digital scholarship tools and techniques in undergraduate e…
At the end of Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert fell in love with Felipe, a Brazilian-born Australian citizen. Resettling in America, they swore eternal fidelity, but also (each a survivor of a divorce, Enough said) swore never, ever, to get married. But when providence intervened in the form of the US government, they faced a stark choice: either marry, or Felipe could never return to the US. …
Gilbert Tuhabonye adalah seorang yang selamat. Lebih dari sepuluh tahun yang lalu, ia terkubur di bawah tumpukan tubuh yang terbakar. Pertempuran berabad-abad antara suku Hutu dan Tutsi telah datang ke sekolah Gilbert. Dipicu oleh kebencian, Hutus memaksa lebih dari seratus anak Tutsi dan guru ke sebuah ruangan kecil dan menggunakan parang untuk memukul sebagian besar dari mereka sampai mati. Y…