The research landscape in the area of forecasting and assessing working conditionshas become increasingly difficult to understand. There are plenty of identifiedreasons, drivers and catchwords to describe a systemic transformation. Individual-and subject-specific approaches to describe and understand the changes to work arebeing developed in almost every scientific discipline, as well as by (ec…
Questions of responsibility arise at all levels of health care. Most prominent has been the issue of patient responsibility. Some health conditions that risk death or serious harm are partly the result of lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, lack of exercise, or extreme sports. Are patients with such conditions responsible for them? If so, might healthcare providers, be they state-run systems …
The 2020 edition of this report included, for the first time, global estimates of the cost and affordability of a healthy diet. These are useful indicators of people’s economic access to nutritious foods and healthy diets. The effects of inflation in consumer food prices stemming from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures put in place to contain it, are clear and sign…
While the 5th Generation (5G) system is being widely deployed across the globe, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, research, standardization and consensus building for the 6th generation (6G) are already well underway with high expectations towards the merger of digital, physical, and human worlds. The main goal of this book is to introduce the upcoming 6G technologies…
The 2021 Global Nutrition Report (GNR) offers the world’s most comprehensive picture of the state of global nutrition and assesses the scale of the challenges faced in the fight to tackle poor diets and malnutrition in all its forms. This year’s report provides a concise data-focused update on the state of diets and nutrition around the world, which will be released annually thereafter. In…
This open access book studies breath and breathing in literature and culture and provides crucial insights into the history of medicine, health and the emotions, the foundations of beliefs concerning body, spirit and world, the connections between breath and creativity and the phenomenology of breath and breathlessness. Contributions span the classical, medieval, early modern, Romantic, Victori…