Fundamentalisme. Inilah fenomena paling mengejutkan di akhir abad ke-20, yang melanda tradisi keagamaan dunia. Ekspresinya terkadang mengerikan. Kaum fundamentalis menembaki jamaah yang sedang salat di masjid, membunuh para dokter dan perawat dalam klinik aborsi, membunuh presiden, dan bahkan menggulingkan pemerintahan yang kuat. Maka, bagi banyak orang, gerakan ini mengancam kedamaian dan harm…
he rapid evolution of architecture, communication services, and technologies has stimulated due to the demand for new applications, research innovations, and other foremost possibilities for enhancements at various levels (Rappaport et al. 2014). These changes are driving a fundamental shift in the process of designing and delivering infrastructure and…
For years, surgeons have been developing surgi-cal approaches attempting to achieve maximal surgical exposure with minimal brain retraction, advantages found within the frontotemporal or pterional approach, first described by Yasargil, four decades ago . Compared to its prede-cessors, this approach allowed for wider fronto-basal exposure, secondary to more sig…
In his 1980 book Language: The Loaded Weapon, Dwight Bolinger decries the number of ‘shamans,’ as he calls them, who comment without authority (and usually without recourse to evidence) on the use of language. The problem, he says, is that ‘they are almost the only people who make the news when language begins to cause trouble, and someone must answer the …
Buku ini merupakan warisan yang tak ternilai harganya.Lahir dari seorang petualang sejati dan ditulis pada abad ke-19,buku ini mebedah dan mengurai secara detail seluruh seluk beluk wilayah nusantara dan sekitarnya.