Novel ini mengungkap sisi paling gelap tragedi kemanusiaan akibat perang dan perbudakan oleh penjajah Belanda dan Jepang terhadap bangsa Indonesia. Perang dan penjajahan telah menginjak-injak harkat kemanusiaan serta menorehkan luka dan trauma bagi perempuan korban perang, seperti Mirah. Kuli kontrak, jugun yanfu, romusha, nyai (perempuan piaraan), buruh anak adalah pengalaman yang menjadi sisi…
Biodeterioration in the context of cultural heritage refers to the degradationprocesses induced by microorganisms that occur in various substrates upon whichhistoric and artistic works of our cultural heritage were created. Paper, a biological,cellular material that has served for centuries as a carrier of human thought, and abase upon which artworks were rendered, is a particularly bio-suscept…
When considering the title of this book, we, as its editors, had to reflect on the notion of change. Change is constant and inevitable, but fundamental changes do not happen overnight. Such changes result from actions and measures that address deep, complex and interrelated systemic issues, and thus require a shift in mindset. Fifty years ago, Gregory Bateson (1972/2000), an early advocate for …
There is a wide variety of policies potentially relevant for the community-driven adaptive reuse of heritage assets, which need to be taken into account for an integrated approach. The structural factors include horizontal and vertical policy integration, e.g., across heritage and planning policies, and between tiers of governance (Veldpaus et al., 2020). Moreover, AHR also becomes easie…
Penyebara malaria secara umum dipengaruhi oleh berbagai hal, seperti: perubahan lingkungan, vektor, sosial budaya masyarakat, resistensi obat dan akses pelayanan kesehatan. Pada hal-hal tersebut di atas, program pengendalian malaria diarahkan. Pengendalian malaria di Indonesia memiliki tujuan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang terbebas dari penularan malaria sampai tahun 2030 dengan menurunnya ka…
This collection of essays aims to better understand what researchers do when they practice research. The team of contributors – which includes human geographers, urban planners and environmental scientists – expose various epistemological, ontological and methodological challenges to pin down what practices "are". The essays showcase how practice theory can help spatial scientists generate …
In this volume, Hanna Vanonen offers a fresh view to the Milhamah and Sefer ha-Milhamah manuscripts by producing a thorough close-reading analysis of them, paying attention not only to their contents but also to manuscripts as material artifacts. Vanonen demonstrates that studying the stability and instability of the War traditions does more justice to the complex material than a traditional ch…
Demographic transformation resulting from low fertility and high life expectancyin developedand developing countries has led to an increase in the numbers of elderly people living in those countries. Moreover,low birthrates,changing fam-ilystructures,and economic and political crises causing migration and flight arehavinga significant impact on intergenerational relationships,social welfare sys…
Sakit hati, amarah dan dendam sering kali bersemayan di dalam hati dan pikiran anak manusia sehingga kehidupan bahagia itu serasa jauh dari kenyataan. Engkau mencari-cari di mana itu kedamaian, tetapi kau sudah terjebak dalam kubangan derita, seakan kebangkitan diri impian belaka. Maukan engkau menyembuhkan luka, duka dan nestapa yang sedang menyekapmu? Beranikah engkau tersenyum ketika hatimu…