On November 20, 2003, in the rural countryside of India, Nagalinga Reddy, a farmer of rice and sunflowers, committed suicide. At fifty years of age, Reddy took his life by ingesting ammonium phosphate tablets—a pesticide used in modernized farming. His rice crops had just failed due to pests and he was deeply in debt to usurious moneylenders, three banks, …
NASA engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center, along with their partners at other NASA centers and in private industry, are designing and building the next generation of rockets and spacecraft to transport cargo, equipment, and human explorers to space. Known collectively as Deep Space Exploration Systems, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, the Orion spacecraft, and ground systems at Kenned…
Becoming a master of administration and management rests on the ability of the manager, director, administrator, or practitioner to think analytically. As such, administrators ask and answer questions that will improve the organization’s performance, customer service, financial position, and overall decision-making capabilities. Research provides managers with the diagnostic capacity to accom…
At the waning of this century, we take the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Christian Dior's New Look to review the magnificent work he created in a little more than one decade at the century's heart. Few occasions in fashion history are as precise, and few are as worthy of consideration and celebration. It is difficult to analyze Dior today: the intervening four decades have irrevocabl…
Gurney: What was the face value of the policy? Gorham: One thousand dollars. Gurney: Do you know how much money Morlock owed at the time of his wife's death? Gorham: Certainly not. Gurney: But you do know that he was heavily in debt and that he was being hounded by his creditors. * * * The Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Alvin Morlock. Direct testimony of George Gorham. I…
Kita semua punya impian ... Kita semua ingin percaya dengan kedalaman jiwa kita, bahwa kita punya karunia istimewa, bahwa kita bisa menghasilkan perbedaan, bahwa kita bisa menyentuh sesama dengan cara yang istimewa, dan bahwa kita bisa menjadikan dunia ini tempat yang lebih baik. Entah kapan dalam kehidupan kita, kita semua mempunyai visi tentang kualitas kehidupan yang kita inginkan da…
Over the past few decades, Computational Thinking (CT) has gained widespreadattention and been regarded as one of the essential skills required by those growingup in the digital era. To nurture the next generation to become creativeproblem-solvers, there is a growing need to implement CT education into the schoolcurriculum. This book is an edited volume with a specific focus on CT education.The…
This book describes how to design, specify, and apply power semiconductor converters. The reader learns to analyze converter characteristics in order to understand how these converters interact with the electric utility grid and with the load in various applications