Ada banyak cara untuk melukiskan seorang wanita: seorang anak, ibu, nenek, istri, pacar, wanita karier, sahabat, murid, guru, bos. Tetapi, persamaan yang tak bisa dilepaskan dari para wanita ini adalah: mereka memiliki hati untuk merasakan kelembutan cinta, menempa persahabatan seumur hidup, mengejar karier yang dipilih, membentuk kehidupan baru, bertanggung jawab tanpa kenal lelah atas pekerja…
This Very Short Introduction answers four basic questions: what is Geography, how do geographers work, why is Geography important, and where is the discipline of Geography heading? Geography has always been important, though it has had only a short history as an academic discipline and is much misunderstood. Modern Geography has come a long way from its historical roots in exploring foreign lan…
The underlying idea linking all contributions to this book is that multiple factors facilitate the emergence of programmatic political parties; they do not fit into a simple formula or a particular sequencing or hierarchy, and operate in ways that seem very contextual. Those influencing factors, as will be discussed further in the concluding chapter, can be categorized according to their facili…
Today, standard C code is simply a given. Both Windows and DOS environments exist in number larger than many ever imagined possible. C is both standard and stable. It also the most popular professional programming language in the world. However, the environments in which C is being extensively used continue to expand. This book is divided into five parts, covering the c language, the c librari…
Sebuah karya filosofis pasti mengalami perubahan seiring berjalannya waktu. Jika konsep-konsepnya mempunyai kaitan dengan tujuan dan kepentingan manusia, perubahan fundamental dalam situasi historis akan mendorong manusia untuk menengok kembali ajaran-ajarannya dengan kacamata baru. Buku ini menyuguhkan kembali filsafat Hegel. Ditulis oleh filsuf social kenamaan. Herbert Marcuse, sistem filsaf…