Muri bersekolah di SMA Veritas, salah satu sekolah swasta favorit di Jakarta, yang siswanya kebanyakan anak-anak pejabat dan pengusaha. Di sekolah barunya ini Muri lebih mementingkan pelajaran daripada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Walau begitu, Muri tetap populer. Dia langsung masuk dalam daftar "Most Favourite Girl". Nggak cuma itu. Predikat mantan kapten cheers yang pernah membawa timnya juara …
Dunia dilanda krisis nuklir. Sejumlah rudal antar benua berhulu ledak nuklir di beberapa negara dikabarkan hilang. Amerika Serikat tentu saja menjadi negara yang paling dipusingkan dengan hilangnya rudal-rudal nuklir tersebut. Jika rudal-rudal tersebut jatuh ke tangan teroris atau negara yang sedang terlibat konflik dengan negara lain, dunia akan terancam perang nuklir yang bisa memusnahkan per…
This work is the result of research started in 2014, on the processes of urban transformations in Bamako Juba, Nairobi and Abidjan in relation to the pres-ence and security policies of UN missions and international aid. The results of this research highlight an uneven process of territoriality where humanitarian organisations operate.The focus of this work or…
After 50 years of debate on this crucial question, the evidence is increas-ingly strong in favor of “yes.” In the well-known study “Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance,”1 Gartenberg, Prat and Serafeim demonstrate, with a large data sample from more than 900 companies and half a million employees, that companies can achieve better results if they inc…
Among the world’s religions, few have attained thehistorical, cultural, and civilizational stature anddiversity that Islam has. Since the seventh century, when it first emerged in the western region of the Arabian Peninsula known as the Hijaz, ithas been continuously adapted and carried forthby its adherents, who call themselves Muslims, tonew lands and peoples in the wider Middle East, Afric…
One of the most notable features of any survey of the history of energy regimes in the Americas over the past century is the “pendulum effect.” Anecdotal though the observation may be, it is clear that despite the broad and incremental transformational changes that have occurred in the global energy landscape over time, individual countries have un…
This book provides the first comprehensive historical account of the evolution of scientific traditions in astronomy, astrophysics, and the space sciences within the Max Planck Society. Structured with in-depth archival research, interviews with protagonists, unpublished photographs, and an extensive bibliography, it follows a unique history: from the post-war relaunch of physical sciences in W…
By the time of the Vietnam War era, the “Mexican American Generation” had made tremendous progress both socially and politically. However, the number of Mexican Americans in comparison to the number of white prisoners of war (POWs) illustrated the significant discrimination and inequality the Chicano population faced in both military and civilian landscapes. Chicanos were disproportionately…
Riva tertarik pada sifat teman sekelasnya, anak baru bernama Elsa. Kontras dengan Riva yang suka bergaul dan punya banyak teman, Elsa punya sifat tertutup, dan hampir dibilang nggak pernah bergaul dengan teman-teman di Universitas Pratista. Kegiatan sehari-hari cewek tinggi berkacamata dan berambut lurus panjang ini di kampus selain belajar adalah menyendiri, sambil membaca noel-novel impor fav…
Tiara tadinya hanya remaja SMA biasa yang hobi hang-out sepulang sekolah, nongkrong dan jajan di kantin, juga sering ketiduran di kelas saat pelajaran berlangsung. Tapi hidup Tiara berubah setelah ayahnya terpilih menjadi presiden. Sebagai anak presiden, Tiara mendapat fasilitas pengamanan ketat dari Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden (Paspampres). Sejak itu kebebasan Tiara seolah terenggut. Saat han…