Yet we cannot foreclose the extent to which some thinkers and theorists, especially looking back over the long arc of TV reception, have raised concerns about the medium’s deleterious potential: its apparent agency in human dissipation and degeneracy. While Raymond Williams offered a critical materialist approach equipped with a searing interest in how serious criticism of …
A growing earth population and the increasing demand for food is placing unprec-edented pressure on agriculture and natural resources. Today’s food systems do not provide sufficient nutritious food in an environmentally sustainable way to the world’s population (Wu et al. 2018). Around 821 million are undernourished while 1.2 billion are overweight or obese. At the same time, foo…
The preceding volumes in this series--devoted respectively to Person and Nature, Person and Society and Person and God1 --progressively delineated the basic issues of human and, indeed, of all existence. They took work on these issues beyond the horizon of the physical and social sciences, as well as beyond such philosophical methods as those of pragmatism and positivism. In this process the qu…
For years, surgeons have been developing surgi-cal approaches attempting to achieve maximal surgical exposure with minimal brain retraction, advantages found within the frontotemporal or pterional approach, first described by Yasargil, four decades ago . Compared to its prede-cessors, this approach allowed for wider fronto-basal exposure, secondary to more sig…
Waterlands: Prehistoric Life at Bar Pasture, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough recounts a decade-long archaeological investigation at Bar Pasture Farm, Pode Hole Quarry, Peterborough, and represents one of the most significant landscape excavations carried out in recent years. The 55-hectare archaeological dig was the scene of human activity on the fenland edge from the Mesolithic through to the L…