Makanan yang selama ini kita pikir sehat ternyata belum tentu "sehat" bagi tubuh kita. Apalagi dengan menjamurnya makanan dan minuman proses atau kemasan, fast food, serta makanan serba goreng yang mudah didapatkan di mana-mana. Rasanya yang enak dan gurih, namun tahukah jika di dalamnya mengandung banyak zat jahat bagi tubuh. Dari zat-zat jahat tersebut tertimbun di dalam tubuh dalam kurun wak…
Industrial film, non-theatrical film, film studies and science and technology studies, economic history, visual culture
Advertising has played a central role in shaping the history of modern media. While often identified with American consumerism and the rise of the 'Information Society', motion picture advertising has been part of European visual culture since the late nineteenth century. With the global spread of ad agencies, moving image advertisements became a privileged cultural form to make people experien…