Within the research project,one of the first steps was to select the eight countries /jurisdictionsto be examined. The aim was to achieveawidelyspread representa-tion of regionsaround the globe, restrictingthe scope toamanageable number ofjurisdictions (eight)while allowing for diversity,explicitly focusing on the inclusionof nations in the global south. The aim of achievingdiversity is related…
To be an airline passenger in transit is to move through states without permanently adopting them. The very legal nature of a transit lounge embodies this perfectly. When one is in tran-sit, one does not pass through immigration and enter the legal boundaries of a nation-state. The strange nature of transit is best exemplified by its failures — the case of Mehran Karimi Nas…
The knowledge that the African continent gave civilization the Arts and Sciences, Religion and Philosophy is des- tined to produce a change in the mentality both of the White and Black people. 2. There are three persons in the drama of Greek philosophy: (a) Alexander the Great; (b) Aristotle's School and; (c) The Ancient Roman Government who are responsible for a false tradition about Africa an…
With increased political and academic concerns, the term “water governance” hasbeen debated that it responds to challenges of sustainable development [42]. TheOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines watergovernance as a “range of political, institutional and administrative rules, practicesand processes (formal and informal) through which decisions are taken a…
Rice straw is a residual byproduct of rice production at harvest. The total biomass of this residue depends on various factors such as varieties, soils and nutrient man-agement and weather. At harvest, rice straw is piled or spread in the field depending on the harvesting methods, using stationary threshers or self-propelled combine harvesters, respectively. The amount of rice straw t…
Anthropogenic activity has resulted in the deposition of a complex combination ofmaterials in lake sediments, including synthetic polymers (plastics) that differgreatly from the Holocene signatures. Accordingly, plastics are considered oneindicator of the Anthropocene [1]. Plastic has for some time been known to be amajor component of riverine pollution [2–6], and plastic degradation products…
On 1 January 2007, Romania became a full member of the European Union. Thestatethat joined the EU was already since 1991 a constitutional republic with abicameral Parliament elected by popular vote and with a dual executive formed by adirectly elected president and an appointed prime minister. In the lead-up to itsaccession, Romania had to amend and adopt numerous laws in order to bring themint…
Agricultural development in Asia has undergone multiple phases and has experienced a remarkable evolution that also advanced general economic development. The region has become a major agricultural producer in the world due to the Green Revolution in the second half of the twentieth century (Hazell 2009). In particular, its rice exports have become essentia…
This chapter lays the foundation by covering core concepts, including terminology, that are critical to have fresh in our minds as we learn how to accelerate C++ programs using data parallelism.Data parallelism in C++ enables access to parallel resources in a modern heterogeneous system. A single C++ application can use any combination of devices—including GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs, and AI Applicatio…
From beautiful palaces such as Seville's Real Alcázar and the magical Alhambra in Granada, splendid religious edifices such as the Mezquita in Córdoba, Seville Cathedral and La Giralda, to the historic coastal cities of Málaga and Cádiz, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Seville & Andalucía will show you all of the top sights in this especially colorful part of Spain. Learn about Hispano-Moorish…